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Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2722, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533842


RESUMO Objetivo investigar os impactos comunicativos, sociais e emocionais gerados pela adoção de medidas protetivas contra a COVID-19 e associá-los ao grau da perda auditiva e ao tempo de uso dos aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual. Métodos estudo transversal e quantitativo, com 72 indivíduos, divididos em adultos e idosos, com perda auditiva bilateral, de grau até moderadamente severo, protetizados antes da pandemia em um programa público de saúde auditiva e que mantiveram uso efetivo dos dispositivos. Os sujeitos foram convidados a participar do estudo enquanto aguardavam consulta. Os prontuários foram acessados, a fim de coletar informações sobre o perfil audiológico e adaptação/uso dos aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual. Em sala silenciosa, foi aplicado, oralmente, protocolo contendo questões objetivas e os dados foram tabulados e submetidos aos testes estatísticos Igualdade de Duas Proporções e Qui-Quadrado. Resultados nos dois grupos, um número significativo de usuários teve a comunicação impactada pelo uso de máscaras e pelo distanciamento físico, predominando, entre os adultos, a dificuldade com as tecnologias digitais (celulares/computadores), enquanto nas videochamadas, os prejuízos comunicativos foram mais experenciados pelos idosos. Os empecilhos comunicativos e sociais existiram, independentemente do perfil audiológico e do tempo de uso dos dispositivos. Quando questionados se deixaram de se comunicar e se as medidas afetaram a sua vida social, as respostas ficaram divididas entre "sim/às vezes" e "não". Quanto ao impacto emocional das medidas protetivas, constatou-se maior repercussão entre os adultos. Conclusão as medidas protetivas afetaram a comunicação dos usuários de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual, porém, não desencorajaram as trocas comunicativas e as interações sociais de, aproximadamente, metade da amostra, sendo o impacto emocional mais evidente nos adultos. Tais dificuldades não estiveram relacionadas ao perfil audiológico e uso diário dos dispositivos.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the communicative, social, and emotional impacts generated by adopting protective measures against COVID-19 and associate them with the degree of hearing loss and the time of use of hearing aids. Methods cross-sectional quantitative study, with 72 individuals, divided into adults and older adults, with bilateral hearing loss up to moderately severe degree, users of hearing aids fitted before the pandemic in a public hearing health program who had maintained effective use of the devices. The participants were invited to participate in the study while waiting for an appointment and signed the consent form. After that, medical records were accessed to collect information about audiological profiles and the fitting/use of hearing aids. Afterward, a protocol with objective questions was orally applied in a silent room. Data were tabulated and subjected to Equality of Two Proportions and Chi-Square statistical tests. Results in both groups, a significant number of users had communication impacted by the use of masks and by social distancing, with difficulty with digital technologies (cell phones/computers) predominating among adults, while older adults more commonly experienced communicative impairments during video calls. The communicative impediment existed regardless of the audiological profile and device use time. When asked if they stopped communicating and if the measures affected their social life, the sample was divided between "yes/sometimes" and "no". As for the emotional impact of protective measures, there was a greater impact among adults. Conclusion protective measures affected the communication of hearing aids users but did not discourage communicative exchanges and social interactions for approximately half of the sample, with the emotional impact being more evident in adults. Such difficulties were not related to the audiological profile and daily use of the devices.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Social Change , Social Environment , Communication , Personal Protective Equipment , Digital Technology , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control , Hearing Aids , Brazil/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Sickness Impact Profile , Persons With Hearing Impairments , Hearing Loss
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 574-592, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419211


A pandemia pelo SARS-CoV-2 é um dos maiores desafios sanitários em escala global. Devido estado de emergência, uma série de medidas de controle e prevenção foram adotadas, como distanciamento social e redução das reuniões públicas. Nesse cenário, buscou-se avaliar a saúde mental de estudantes de uma instituição privada de Ensino Superior diante da pandemia. Esta pesquisa trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo desenvolvido na Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe, localizada em Aracati-CE. A coleta de dados ocorreu de dezembro de 2020 a fevereiro de 2021, utilizando formulário eletrônico contendo variáveis sociodemográficas, epidemiológicas e relativas aos diferentes aspectos da saúde mental do estudante frente a pandemia da COVID-19. A análise foi baseada no cálculo de frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis além de medidas de tendência central e dispersão. Dos 333 discentes que participaram do estudo, a média de idade foi 25, com variação entre 18 e 56 anos, sendo maioria do sexo feminino (72,7%), autodenominação de cor/etnia parda (72,7%) e não estarem trabalhando (53,8%). A taxa de positividade entre os graduandos para COVID-19 foi de 9% (30). Ao serem questionados sobre como a pandemia alterou seus níveis de estresse ou saúde mental, 75,5% responderam que houve piora. Dentre os sintomas mais relatados no período da quarentena, estavam medo e ansiedade (ambos com 74,2%), seguidos por insegurança (69,7%). Baseados nos achados deste estudo, recomenda-se a incorporação de ações multiprofissionais na atenção aos estudantes dentro da academia. Sugere-se a implantação de um serviço qualificado buscando desenvolver um olhar holístico para os discentes.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has presented itself as one of the greatest health challenges on a global scale. Given the state of public health emergency, a series of control and prevention measures have been adopted, such as social distancing and reduction of public meetings, as in universities. Faced with this scenario, we sought to evaluate the mental health of students from a private institution of Higher Education in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this research was a descriptive cross-sectional study developed at the Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe, located in the City of Aracati- CE. Data collection occurred from December 2020 to February 2021, using an electronic form containing sociodemographic and epidemiological variables, as well as variables related to the repercussions in different aspects of the student's mental health when facing the pandemic of COVID-19. The analysis was based on the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies of the variables, as well as measures of central tendency and dispersion. Of the 333 students who participated in the study, the mean age was 25 years, with ages ranging from 18 to 56 years, the majority being female (72.7%), self- denominated as Brown (72.7%), not working when answering the form (53.8%). The positivity rate among undergraduates for COVID-19 was 9% (30/333). When asked how the pandemic altered their stress levels or mental health, 75.5% responded that it had worsened. Among the symptoms most reported by students during the quarantine period were fear and anxiety (both 74.2%), followed by insecurity (69.7%). It is suggested the implementation of a qualified approach service seeking to develop a holistic look for the students.

La pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 es uno de los mayores desafíos sanitarios a escala global. Debido al estado de emergencia, se han adoptado una serie de medidas de control y prevención, como el distanciamiento social y la reducción de reuniones públicas. En este escenario, se buscó evaluar la salud mental de los estudiantes de una institución privada de educación superior frente a la pandemia. Esta investigación es un estudio descriptivo transversal desarrollado en la Facultad de Valle de Jaguaribe, ubicada en Aracati-CE. La recopilación de datos se llevó a cabo de diciembre de 2020 a febrero de 2021, utilizando un formulario electrónico que contiene variables sociodemográficas, epidemiológicas y relacionadas con los diferentes aspectos de la salud mental del estudiante frente a la pandemia de COVID-19. El análisis se basó en el cálculo de frecuencias absolutas y relativas de las variables, además de medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. De los 333 estudiantes que participaron en el estudio, la media de edad fue de 25 años, con variación entre 18 y 56 años, siendo la mayoría del sexo femenino (72,7%), autodenominación de la raza / etnia morena (72,7%) y no trabajando (53,8%). La tasa de positividad entre los estudiantes de pregrado para COVID-19 fue del 9% (30). Cuando se les preguntó cómo la pandemia había alterado su nivel de estrés o salud mental, el 75,5% respondió que había empeorado. Entre los síntomas más comunes durante el período de cuarentena, se encontraban el miedo y la ansiedad (ambos con un 74,2%), seguidos de la inseguridad (69,7%). Basados en los resultados de este estudio, se recomienda la incorporación de acciones multiprofesionales en la atención a los estudiantes dentro de la academia. Se sugiere la implementación de un servicio calificado que busque desarrollar una mirada holística hacia los estudiantes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Students , Universities , Mental Health/education , Pandemics , COVID-19/epidemiology , Anxiety , Stress, Physiological , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Academies and Institutes , Observational Studies as Topic/methods , Fear , Physical Distancing , Sociodemographic Factors , Health Services Research
Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(3): 17-22, 20230921.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510439


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life (QoL), quality of sleep, and sleepiness index in undergraduate dentistry students between their active learning (AL) and emergency remote learning (ERL) due to social distancing imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Information was collected using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36-BR), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS-BR), and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-BR) questionnaires administered before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparison regarding the type of education, demographic factors, academic performance, PSQI-BR, ESS-BR, and SF-36-BR between the groups was performed, considering a significance level of 0.05. Results: A total of 55 students were from AL, while 45 students were from ERL. The sample consisted of 74 women and 26 men aged 21­30 years. The academic coefficient of these students ranged from 7 to 8 points (AL= 38.2% and ERL= 57.8%). In addition, a large proportion of the students reported having no failures (AL=60% and ERL= 66.7%). Regarding QoL, the students presented a greater impairment in functional capacity (p = 0.01), followed by limitations in social aspects, general health perception, body pain, and vitality. According to the ESS-BR scores (p = 0.04), the students presented a lower quality of sleep. Conclusion: Dentistry students had the worst QoL panoramas and poor relative sleep quality before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, QoL instruments were reliable for quantifying health-related QoL in AL and ERL.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Problem-Based Learning , Physical Distancing , COVID-19
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 13(1): 28-35, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512596


Background and objectives: due to the increase in the number of cases of the new coronavirus in the city of Codó-MA, there was a need to carry out a study on the spread of COVID-19 in the municipality in order to have a better knowledge and understanding of the problem. A study was carried out on the spread of COVID-19 in the city of Codó-MA, comparing the quantitative data on the number of cases in 2020 and 2021 between May and July and using the epidemiological model Susceptible-Infectious-Isolated-Recovered (SIQR). Methods: we collected daily data from the epidemiological bulletins made available by the Municipal Health Department of Codó (SEMUS-Codó), we chose the SIQR compartmental model to carry out the simulations, we assumed hypotheses and estimated the parameters in order to design the scenarios. We simulated scenarios such as social distancing of healthy individuals and social isolation of infected individuals. Results: in early 2020, cases increased more frequently than in early 2021, and approximately 20% of those infected were in social isolation. According to projections, more than 80% of cases of COVID-19 were not accounted for in Codó. In 2021, there was greater underreporting than in 2020, approximately 82% and 85%, respectively. Conclusion: from the results, the authors conclude that the social isolation of those infected is a more efficient method to contain an epidemic than the total blockade of the population and that the high number of underreported cases is because most of these cases are asymptomatic.(AU)

Justificativa e objetivos: devido ao aumento do número de casos do novo coronavírus na cidade de Codó-MA, viu-se a necessidade para fazer um estudo sobre a propagação da COVID-19 no município para a ter melhor conhecimento e entendimento do problema. Foi realizado um estudo sobre a disseminação da COVID-19 na cidade de Codó-MA, sendo comparados os dados quantitativos dos números de casos nos anos de 2020 e 2021 entre os meses de maio e julho e utilizando o modelo epidemiológico Suscetíveis-Infecciosos-Isolados-Recuperados (SIQR). Métodos: coletamos os dados diários dos boletins epidemiológicos disponibilizados pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Codó (SEMUS- Codó), escolhemos o modelo compartimental SIQR para a realização das simulações, supomos hipóteses e estimamos os parâmetros para podermos projetar os cenários. Simulamos cenários, tais como distanciamento social dos indivíduos sadios e isolamento social dos indivíduos infectados. Resultados: no início de 2020, os casos aumentaram com mais frequência do que no início de 2021, e aproximadamente 20% dos infectados estavam em isolamento social. De acordo com as projeções, mais de 80% dos casos de COVID-19 não foram contabilizados em Codó. Em 2021, houve maior subnotificação do que em 2020, aproximadamente 82% e 85%, respectivamente. Conclusão: a partir dos resultados, os autores concluem que o isolamento social dos infectados é um método mais eficiente para conter uma epidemia do que o bloqueio total da população e que o alto número de casos subnotificados são porque a maioria desses casos são assintomáticos.(AU)

Antecedentes y objetivos debido al incremento en el número de casos del nuevo coronavirus en la ciudad de Codó-MA, surgió la necesidad de realizar un estudio sobre la propagación del COVID-19 en el municipio con el fin de tener un mejor conocimiento y comprensión de el problema. Se realizó un estudio sobre la propagación del COVID-19 en la ciudad de Codó-MA, comparando datos cuantitativos del número de casos en 2020 y 2021 entre mayo y julio y utilizando el modelo epidemiológico Susceptible-Infeccioso-Aislado-Recuperado (SIQR). Métodos: recolectamos datos diarios de los boletines epidemiológicos que pone a disposición la Secretaría Municipal de Salud de Codó (SEMUS-Codó), elegimos el modelo compartimental SIQR para realizar las simulaciones, asumimos hipótesis y estimamos los parámetros para poder diseñar los escenarios. Simulamos escenarios como el distanciamiento social de personas sanas y el aislamiento social de personas infectadas. Resultados: a principios de 2020, los casos aumentaron con más frecuencia que a principios de 2021, y aproximadamente el 20% de los infectados se encontraban en aislamiento social. Según proyecciones, en Codó no se contabilizaron más del 80% de los casos de COVID-19. En 2021 hubo mayor subregistro que en 2020, aproximadamente 82% y 85%, respectivamente. Conclusión: de los resultados, los autores concluyen que el aislamiento social de los contagiados es un método más eficiente para contener una epidemia que el bloqueo total de la población y que el alto número de casos subregistrados se debe a que la mayoría de estos casos son asintomáticos.(AU)

Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Epidemiological Models , Underregistration , Physical Distancing
Psico USF ; 28(1): 79-90, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431101


This cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the association of religiosity with behaviors and perceptions in the context of social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as mental health outcomes, in a university community in Central-West Brazil. A sample of 1,796 subjects responded to an online form with socio-demographic questions and the DASS-21 and PWBS scales. Religion was associated with the frequency of interactions, perceptions of the duration of the social distancing measures, changes in emotional state and history of psychological illness. The prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress was lower among people with religion and their scores in psychological well-being were higher. (AU)

Trata-se de um estudo transversal com o objetivo de analisar a associação entre religiosidade e comportamentos e percepções frente ao distanciamento social decorrente da pandemia de Covid-19 e estado de saúde mental em uma comunidade universitária do Centro-Oeste brasileiro. Participaram do estudo 1796 sujeitos, os quais responderam a um formulário online com questões sociodemográficas e às escalas DASS-21 e EBEP. Observou-se associação entre religião e frequência de interações, percepção sobre a duração do distanciamento social e mudanças no estado emocional e histórico de alterações psicológicas. Constatou-se menor prevalência de sintomas relacionados à depressão, à ansiedade e ao estresse e maiores escores de bem-estar psicológico entre aqueles com religião. (AU)

Se trata de un estudio transversal con el objetivo de analizar la asociación entre religiosidad, comportamientos y percepciones frente al distanciamiento social resultante de la pandemia Covid-19 y el estado de salud mental en una comunidad universitaria de la región Centro-Oeste de Brasil. Participaron en el estudio 1796 sujetos, que respondieron un formulario en línea con preguntas sociodemográficas y las escalas DASS-21 y EBEP. Se observó asociación entre religión y frecuencia de interacciones, la percepción de la duración del aislamiento social y los cambios en el estado emocional y el historial de cambios psicológicos. Se observó una menor prevalencia de síntomas relacionados con la depresión, la ansiedad y el estrés, y puntuaciones más altas de bienestar psicológico entre quienes profesaban una religión. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Religion , Mental Health , Physical Distancing , COVID-19 , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Statistics as Topic , Analysis of Variance , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Faculty , Sociodemographic Factors , Psychological Well-Being
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 149-160, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414818


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos do distanciamento social à saúde psicossocial da pessoa idosa no período da pandemia da COVID-19. Metodologia: Estudo revisão integrativa, realizado entre abril e Setembro de 2022, documentos dispo- nível como artigos científicos; ano de publicação 2020 a 2022. Os critérios de exclusão foram artigos de revisão, arquivos do tipo dissertação e teses. A pesquisa incluiu 47 do- cumentos; posteriormente foi realizada leitura crítica e reflexiva dos assim, estabeleceu- se a amostra de 11 artigos. Resultados e Discussão: Mediante todas as medidas tomadas para conter a pandemia, o distanciamento social é a estratégia até então mais eficiente para evitar a disseminação do vírus. Entretanto, as evidências mostram que o mesmo pode trazer prejuízos de natureza psicológica e psicossomática à população, principalmente à população idosa, que é um dos grupos de risco para contágio da doença. Além disso, pode provocar hábitos como o sedentarismo e inatividade física, condições que também são atreladas ao desenvolvimento de doenças físicas, mentais e, consequentemente, ao risco de morte em populações vulneráveis. Conclusão: Trata-se de um fenômeno social com- plexo e que exige atenção das entidades prestadoras de serviço à comunidade idosa, assim como os gestores e familiares. Desse modo, as linhas de cuidado devem se basear nas respostas em rede, que realizam esforços intersetoriais que envolvem políticas públicas de saúde, apoio do estado, assistência social, seguridade e justiça em ação das proteções de direitos, instituídos no Estatuto do Idoso.

The objective of this work was to analyze the effects of social distancing on the psychosocial health of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: Integrative review study, carried out between April and September 2022, documents available as scientific articles; year of publication 2020 to 2022. Exclusion criteria were review articles, dissertation and theses type files. The research included 47 documents; later, a critical and reflective reading of the articles was carried out, thus, a sample of 11 articles was established. Results and Discussion: Through all the measures taken to contain the pandemic, social distancing is the most efficient strategy so far to prevent the spread of the virus. However, evidence shows that it can bring psychological and psychosomatic damage to the population, especially the elderly population, which is one of the risk groups for contagion of the disease. In addition, it can cause habits such as physical inactivity and physical inactivity, conditions that are also linked to the development of physical and mental illnesses and, consequently, to the risk of death in vulnerable populations. Conclusion: It is a complex social phenomenon that requires attention from entities providing services to the elderly community, as well as managers and family members. In this way, the lines of care must be based on network responses, which carry out intersectoral efforts that involve public health policies, state support, social assistance, security and justice in action of the protections of rights, established in the Statute of the Elderly.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos del distanciamiento social en la salud psicosocial de los ancianos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Metodología: Estudio de revisión integradora, realizado entre abril y septiembre de 2022, documentos disponibles como artículos científicos; año de publicación 2020 a 2022. Los criterios de exclusión fueron artículos de revisión, archivos tipo disertación y tesis. La investigación incluyó 47 documentos; posteriormente, se realizó una lectura crítica y reflexiva de los artículos, así, se estableció una muestra de 11 artículos. Resultados y Discusión: A través de todas las medidas tomadas para contener la pandemia, el distanciamiento social es la estrategia más eficiente hasta el momento para prevenir la propagación del virus. Sin em- bargo, la evidencia muestra que puede traer daños psicológicos y psicosomáticos a la población, especialmente a la población anciana, que es uno de los grupos de riesgo de contagio de la enfermedad. Además, puede provocar hábitos como la inactividad física y el sedentarismo, condiciones que también están relacionadas con el desarrollo de enfer- medades físicas y mentales y, en consecuencia, con el riesgo de muerte en poblaciones vulnerables. Conclusiones: Se trata de un fenómeno social complejo que requiere atención por parte de las entidades prestadoras de servicios a la comunidad de adultos mayores, así como de los gestores y familiares. De esta forma, las líneas de atención deben basarse en respuestas en red, que realicen esfuerzos intersectoriales que involucren políticas públicas de salud, apoyo estatal, asistencia social, seguridad y justicia en acción de las protecciones de derechos, establecidas en el Estatuto del Anciano.

Aged/physiology , Pandemics/prevention & control , Psychosocial Support Systems , Physical Distancing , Review Literature as Topic , Health of the Elderly , Vulnerable Populations/psychology , COVID-19/psychology
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250675, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448938


Em março de 2020 a situação causada pela covid-19 foi elevada à categoria de pandemia, impactando de inúmeras formas a vida em sociedade. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os impactos da pandemia na atuação e saúde mental do psicólogo hospitalar, profissional que atua nos espaços de saúde e tem experienciado mais de perto o sofrimento dos doentes e dos profissionais de saúde frente à covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo com 131 psicólogos que atuam em hospitais. Os profissionais foram convidados a participar através de redes sociais e redes de contatos das pesquisadoras, utilizando-se a técnica Bola de Neve. Foram utilizados dois questionários, disponibilizados na plataforma Google Forms, um abordando os impactos da pandemia sentidos pelos profissionais e outro referente ao sofrimento psíquico. Os dados foram analisados a partir de estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Foram observados impactos na atuação de quase a totalidade dos participantes, constatada a necessidade de preparação dos profissionais para o novo cenário, a percepção de pouco apoio institucional e quase metade da população estudada referiu-se a sintomas de sofrimento psíquico considerável desde o início da pandemia. É fundamental dar atenção a sinais e sintomas de sofrimento psíquico, procurando evitar o adoecimento de uma categoria profissional que se encontra na linha de frente do combate aos danos psicológicos da pandemia e cuja própria saúde mental é pouco abordada na literatura.(AU)

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic breakout hugely impacted life in society. This study analyzes how the pandemic impacted hospital psychologists' mental health and performance, professional who more closely experienced the suffering of patients and health professionals in this period. An exploratory and descriptive study was conducted with 131 hospital psychologists. Professionals were invited to participate through the researchers' social and contact networks using the Snowball technique. Data were collected by two questionnaires available on the Google Forms platform, one addressing the impacts felt by professionals and the other regarding psychic suffering, and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that almost all participants had their performance affected by the need to prepare for the new scenario, the perceived little institutional support. Almost half of the study sample reported considerable psychological distress symptoms since the beginning of the pandemic. Paying attention to signs and symptoms of psychic suffering is fundamental to avoid compromising a professional category that is on the front line of combating the psychological damage caused by the pandemic and whose own mental health is little addressed by the literature.(AU)

En marzo de 2020, la situación provocada por el COVID-19 se caracterizó como pandemia e impactó el mundo de diversas maneras. El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender los impactos de la pandemia en la salud mental y la actuación del psicólogo en los hospitales, uno de los profesionales que trabaja en espacios sanitarios y que ha experimentado más de cerca el sufrimiento de pacientes y profesionales sanitarios frente al COVID-19. Este es un estudio exploratorio descriptivo, realizado con 131 psicólogos que trabajan en hospitales. Los profesionales recibieron la invitación a participar a través de las redes sociales y redes de contactos de las investigadoras, mediante la técnica snowball. Se utilizaron dos cuestionarios disponibles en la plataforma Google Forms: uno sobre los impactos de la pandemia en los profesionales y el otro sobre el sufrimiento psíquico. Los datos se analizaron a partir de estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Se observaron impactos en el trabajo de casi todos los participantes, la necesidad de preparación de los profesionales para este nuevo escenario, la percepción de poco apoyo institucional, y casi la mitad de la población estudiada reportaron sentir síntomas de considerable angustia psicológica desde el inicio de la pandemia. Es esencial prestar atención a los signos y síntomas del sufrimiento psíquico, buscando evitar la enfermedad de una categoría profesional que está a la vanguardia de la lucha contra el daño psicológico de la pandemia y cuya propia salud mental se aborda poco en la literatura.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Psychology , Mental Health , Coronavirus Infections , Pandemics , Anxiety , Orientation , Physicians , Protective Clothing , Respiration , Respiratory Tract Infections , Safety , Attention , Set, Psychology , Social Adjustment , Social Isolation , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Awareness , Software , Immunoglobulin M , Adaptation, Psychological , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Irritable Mood , Family , Carrier State , Epidemiologic Factors , Public Health Practice , Quarantine , Sanitation , Hygiene , Public Health , Epidemiology , Risk , Disease Outbreaks , Data Collection , Survival Rate , Mortality , Transportation of Patients , Triage , Contact Tracing , Occupational Health , Immunization , Universal Precautions , Infection Control , Immunization Programs , Infectious Disease Transmission, Professional-to-Patient , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional , Coronavirus , Comprehensive Health Care , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Remote Consultation , Containment of Biohazards , Pulmonary Ventilation , Emergency Plans , Disaster Vulnerability , Declaration of Emergency , Disaster Planning , Death , Trust , Air Pollution , Ethanol , Economics , Emergencies , Emergency Services, Psychiatric , Empathy , Ethics, Professional , Professional Training , Surveillance of the Workers Health , Family Relations , Family Therapy , Resilience, Psychological , Infectious Disease Incubation Period , Fear , Epidemics , Social Networking , Binge Drinking , Epidemiological Monitoring , Personal Protective Equipment , Emotional Adjustment , Emergency Medical Dispatch , Survivorship , Family Separation , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Embarrassment , Sadness , Teleworking , Physical Distancing , COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Testing , SARS-CoV-2 , Sociodemographic Factors , Suicide Prevention , Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome , Health Services Research , Immune System , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Anger , Loneliness , Masks , Mass Media , Negativism , Nurses, Male , Nursing Assessment
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253659, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448943


Partindo da pergunta "Como tem sido ser mulher e mãe em tempos de pandemia?", o presente estudo convidou mulheres que são mães, em redes sociais virtuais, a partilhar um relato de suas experiências com a readaptação parental em função do distanciamento social causado pela pandemia de covid-19. O objetivo foi refletir sobre a experiência de ser mulher e mãe em tempos de covid-19 e distanciamento social, apontando algumas ressonâncias do cenário pandêmico na subjetividade dessas mulheres. O estudo teve como base o referencial psicanalítico, tanto na construção da pesquisa e análise dos relatos quanto na sua discussão. A análise dos cerca de 340 relatos coletados, os quais variaram de uma breve frase a longos parágrafos, apontou para uma série de questionamentos, pontos de análise e reflexões. A pandemia, e o decorrente distanciamento social, parece ter colocado uma lente de aumento sobre as angústias das mulheres que são mães, evidenciando sentimentos e sofrimentos sempre presentes. Destacaram-se, nos relatos, a sobrecarga das mulheres com as tarefas de cuidado dos filhos e da casa, a culpa, a solidão, a exaustão, e o sentimento de que não havia espaço nesse contexto para "ser mulher", sendo isso entendido especialmente a questões estéticas e de vaidade.(AU)

Starting from the question "How does it feel to be a woman and a mother in pandemic times?", this study invited women who are mothers, in virtual social networks, to share their experiences regarding parental adaptations due to social distancing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective was to reflect on the experience of being a woman and a mother in the context of COVID-19 and of social distancing, pointing out some resonances of the pandemic scenario in the subjectivity of these women. The study was based on the psychoanalytical framework, both in the construction of the research and analysis of the reports and in their discussion. The analysis of about 340 collected reports, which ranged from a brief sentence to long paragraphs, pointed to a series of questions, analysis topics, and reflections. The pandemic, and the resulting social distancing, seems to have placed a magnifying glass over the anguish of women who are mothers, showing ever-present feelings and suffering. The reports highlighted women's overload with child and house care tasks, the guilt, loneliness, exhaustion, and the feeling that there was no space in this context to "be a woman," and it extends to aesthetic and vanity related questions especially.(AU)

A partir de la pregunta "¿cómo te sientes siendo mujer y madre en tiempos de pandemia?", este estudio invitó por las redes sociales a mujeres que son madres a compartir un relato de sus experiencias sobre la readaptación parental en función del distanciamiento social causado por la pandemia del covid-19. Su objetivo fue reflexionar sobre la experiencia de ser mujer y madre en tiempos del covid-19 y el distanciamiento social, señalando algunas resonancias del escenario pandémico en la subjetividad de estas mujeres. Este estudio se basó en el marco psicoanalítico, tanto en la construcción de la investigación y análisis de los informes como en su discusión. El análisis de los casi 340 relatos, que variaron de una pequeña frase a largos párrafos, generó en las investigadoras una serie de cuestionamientos y reflexiones. La pandemia y el consecuente distanciamiento social parece haber agrandado las angustias de las mujeres que son madres, evidenciando sentimientos y sufrimientos siempre presentes. En los relatos destacan la sobrecarga de las mujeres con las tareas de cuidado de los hijos y del hogar, la culpa, la soledad, el cansancio, así como el sentimiento de que no hay espacio em este contexto para "ser mujer", relacionado principalmente a cuestiones estéticas y de vanidad.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Psychoanalysis , Women , Parenting , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior , Paternity , Prenatal Care , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Relaxation , Self Care , Self Concept , Social Adjustment , Social Responsibility , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Stereotyping , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Women's Rights , Work Hours , Body Image , Burnout, Professional , Activities of Daily Living , Pregnancy , Adaptation, Biological , Family , Marriage , Child , Child Development , Child Rearing , Quarantine , Hygiene , Mental Health , Family Health , Immunization , Sex Characteristics , Universal Precautions , Employment, Supported , Cost of Illness , Confusion , Feminism , Self Efficacy , Affect , Culture , Parturition , Depression , Postpartum Period , Educational Status , Ego , Employment , Fear , Femininity , Sexism , Work-Life Balance , Frailty , Occupational Stress , Androcentrism , Freedom , Self-Neglect , Frustration , Body Dissatisfaction , Psychological Distress , Social Comparison , Teleworking , Physical Distancing , Gender Equity , Family Support , Family Structure , Guilt , Health Promotion , Household Work , Identification, Psychological , Identity Crisis , Income , Individuation , Anger , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Love , Maternal Behavior , Maternal Welfare , Mothers
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0031, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449769


RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o perfil epidemiológico das conjuntivites atendidas no Pronto Socorro do Hospital Banco de Olhos de Porto Alegre (HBO) com destaque à conjuntivite infecciosa e compará-lo aos atendimentos após o início da pandemia pelo Coronavírus, observando como o isolamento social e as questões de higiene amplamente enfatizadas e estimuladas desde o início a pandemia influenciaram o número de conjuntivites bacterianas e virais atendidas neste serviço de referência. Métodos Estudo transversal e retrospectivo através da análise dos prontuários eletrônicos dos pacientes atendidos no serviço de emergência do HBO no período entre março e junho de 2019 e 2020. Resultados Observou-se uma redução significativa no número de atendimento no departamento de emergência após o início da pandemia. De março a junho de 2019, 21.678 atendimentos foram realizados. No mesmo período de 2020, este número foi de 14.194, uma queda de 34,5%. O índice de conjuntivite como principal causa da visita oftalmológica diminuiu significativamente, sendo a conjuntivite infecciosa aquela que teve a maior queda. Em 2019, a mesma foi responsável por 30,2% dos atendimentos e, em 2020, por 15,5%. Não foi observado mudanças em relação ao sexo mais atendido, no entanto, observou-se um aumento significante na idade do paciente. Conclusão O estudo demonstrou uma importante redução no número de atendimentos na emergência em relacionados à conjuntivite infecciosa após o início da pandemia pelo Coronavírus. Acredita-se que este fato esteja diretamente relacionado ao aumento dos cuidados de higiene, isolamento social e a restrições impostas pela pandemia.

ABSTRACT Objective The objective of this paper is to evaluate the profile of the cases of conjuntivitis treated in the emergency department of the Banco de Olhos Hospital, emphasizing the infectious conjunctivitis, and compare before and after the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic and social isolation, both in public and private health care system. Methods A retrospective and transversal study where electronic files of the patients who visited the emergency department between March and June of 2019 and 2020 were reviewed. Results A significant reduction in the number of consultations at the emergency department was observed after the beginning of the pandemic. From March to June 2019, 21.678 visits were made. In the same period of 2020, this number was 14.194, a drop of 34.5%. The rate of visits having conjunctivitis as main cause also dropped significantly. Infectious conjunctivitis was the one who showed the highest decrease. In 2019, it was responsible for 30.2% of the visits and, in 2020, for 15.5%. There were no changes regarding the gender, but a significantly increase in patients' age was observed. Conclusion The study showed a dramatic reduction in the number of visits at the emergency department of ophthalmology regarding infectious conjunctivitis after the beginning of the pandemic, and we believe that the cause is related with an increase of hygiene care, social isolation and restrictions caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Humans , Conjunctivitis/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Quarantine , Medical Records , Hygiene , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Emergencies , Emergency Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Eye Banks/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , Physical Distancing
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 157 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452357


Introdução: A pandemia de COVID-19 causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 impôs como medida sanitária o distanciamento social, modificando a rotina, o modo de vida e o comportamento dos indivíduos. De acordo com a literatura especializada, as implicações de tais circunstâncias em adolescentes poderiam ser maiores no aspecto psicossocial, principalmente diante das iniquidades sociais que caracterizam o contexto histórico-social brasileiro. Objetivo: Investigar o impacto, no âmbito do sofrimento psíquico e/ou social, do distanciamento social vivenciado no período da pandemia de COVID-19 por adolescentes na faixa etária dos 12 aos 14, estudantes de escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Foram realizadas 20 entrevistas semiestruturadas com adolescentes entre 12 e 14 anos, em duas escolas públicas estaduais situadas na cidade de São Paulo, de acordo com os aspectos éticos necessários e com o preenchimento de um questionário pelos pais/responsáveis. O material produzido em campo foi analisado a partir da técnica Análise de Conteúdo Temática, de Bardin, à luz da abordagem psicanalítica e da pesquisa social. Resultados: Com base na análise temática dos resultados foi possível identificar que houve a manifestação de sentimentos negativos, como solidão, raiva, ansiedade, culpa, tristeza, tédio, medo, além das rupturas causadas pelas mortes de entes queridos e animais domésticos, mudanças de domicílio, de país, separação dos pais etc. Atualmente, alguns adolescentes consideram esses sentimentos elaborados. Outros contaram com a rede de apoio, como mãe e amigos, para superá-los. Houve a menção por parte de alguns adolescentes da necessidade de assistência de um profissional durante a pandemia, sendo que alguns aguardam por um agendamento pelo Sistema único de Saúde (SUS). Foram citadas também mudanças positivas nos relacionamentos interpessoais, amadurecimento. Conclusões: Considera-se que o distanciamento social causado pela pandemia de COVID-19 pode provocar sofrimento psíquico e/ou social nos adolescentes e que estudos e a elaboração de políticas públicas devem ser desenvolvidos pensando no bem-estar físico, psíquico e social dessa população, incluindo as lacunas deixadas no período. E, principalmente, que as políticas já existentes sejam efetivadas. Espaços de escuta e compartilhamento destinados a tal população são essenciais para contribuir com a elucidação das suas demandas e dos seus desenvolvimentos.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, imposed social distancing as one of its sanitary protocols, modifying the routine, the way of life and the behavior of individuals. According to the specialized literature, the implications of such circumstances in adolescents could be greater in the psychosocial aspect, mainly due to the social inequities that characterize the brazilian historical-social context. Objectives: To investigate the impact, in the context of psychic and/or social suffering, that living under social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic had on public school students of the city of São Paulo, aged 12 to 14 years old. Methodology: It is a qualitative research. 20 semi structured interviews were performed with adolescents aged 12 to 14 years old, in two public state schools located in the city of São Paulo. All the necessary ethical requirements were followed, with the consent of their parents/guardians, who filled a questionnaire. The material produced on the field was analyzed using the Thematic Content Analysis technique, created by Bardin, according to the principles of the psychoanalytic approach and social research. Results: Utilizing the results from the thematic analysis as a basis, it was possible to identify the manifestation of negative emotions, such as solitude, anger, anxiety, guilt, sadness, boredom, fear, plus the ruptures brought by the loss of close relatives and pets, moving houses, moving country, parents divorcing, and so on. Currently, some adolescents consider these feelings to have been elaborated. Others had the aid of a support network, such as their mother or their friends, in order to overcome them. A few adolescents mentioned that the assistance from a professional was needed during the pandemic, and a few of them still wait for appointments on the Sistema Único de Sáude (SUS - Single Health System) to be scheduled. Positive changes on interpersonal relationships were also cited, as well as maturing. Conclusions: It is considered that the social distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic can provoke psychic and/or social suffering on adolescents and that studies and public policies that target the physical, psychic and social wellbeing of that population must be developed, including research that fill the gaps left during that period. And, most of all, that already existing policies must be acted upon. Designated safe spaces which allow this population to share their feelings and be listened to are essential to understand and shine a light on their demands and needs.

Mental Health , Adolescent , Psychological Distress , Physical Distancing , COVID-19
Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33007, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431070


Resumo Neste artigo, analisamos o distanciamento social, principal ação preventiva na pandemia de Covid-19, como fenômeno que ultrapassa sua demarcação como medida sanitária, revelando-se como experiência humana desdobrada em sofrimentos psíquicos diversos, desafiando sob muitas formas o campo da saúde mental. Situamos essa problemática no cenário brasileiro, periférico no capitalismo globalizado, contextualizado na hipermodernidade, no qual sobressai o modo de vida urbano, marcado por desigualdades e produtor de vulnerabilidades que se evidenciam no combate à pandemia, expressandose em sofrimentos e transtornos que desafiam o campo da saúde mental coletiva. Apontamos reflexões e subsídios para a ampliação desse campo, sob uma perspectiva crítica e complexa, concernentes à produção de conhecimentos e do cuidado, focalizando a urbanidade como dimensão analítica central na compreensão do distanciamento. Ilustramos com alguns desafios e também possibilidades de reinvenção em saúde mental, no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19, focalizando tanto ações voltadas à esfera coletiva, em escala macro, na rede pública de saúde, como nos encontros constitutivos do processo de cuidado, buscando subsidiar uma clínica ampliada nesse contexto.

Abstract In this article, we examine social distancing, the main preventive action in the Covid-19 pandemic, as a phenomenon that goes beyond its demarcation as a health measure, revealing itself as a human experience unfolded in various psychological sufferings, challenging the field of Mental Health in many ways. The analysis places this subject in the Brazilian scenario, peripheral in globalized capitalism, contextualized in hypermodernity, in which the urban way of life, stands out, marked by inequalities and vulnerabilities that are evident in the fight against the pandemic, expressing itself in suffering and disorders that challenge the field collective mental health. We point out reflections and subsidies for the expansion of this field, from a critical and complex perspective, concerning the production of knowledge and care practices, focusing on urbanity as a central analytical dimension in the understanding of social distancing. We illustrate with some challenges and possibilities of reinventing mental health, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing both on actions aimed at the collective sphere, on a macro scale, in the public health network, as well as in the constitutive meetings of the care process, seeking subsidize an expanded clinic in this context.

Humans , Social Isolation , Mental Health , Urban Area , Psychological Distress , COVID-19 , Life Change Events , Unified Health System , Brazil , Health Systems , Postmodernism , Physical Distancing
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e256659, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529213


Em 2020, o mundo enfrentou uma grave emergência de saúde pública devido à pandemia de COVID-19, que impactou significativamente a mobilidade humana e a vida cotidiana de milhares de imigrantes ao redor do mundo. Este artigo fez uso de entrevistas online e por telefone com imigrantes que chegaram ao Brasil a partir de 2016, para identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas durante a pandemia. Foi realizada uma análise transversal das entrevistas com o auxílio do software Atlas.ti 9, usando a técnica sistemática de categorização iterativa. Com base em uma perspectiva sociocultural em psicologia, o artigo introduz os impactos iniciais da pandemia em diferentes esferas da vida cotidiana desses imigrantes e apresenta as estratégias mobilizadas para restaurar continuidades funcionais e relacionais em um momento no qual as rupturas provocadas pela migração e pela pandemia se sobrepõem. Entre outros, podese identificar como os entrevistados ativaram rapidamente as redes sociais locais e transnacionais virtualmente, mobilizando competências e habilidades aprendidas durante a migração.(AU)

In 2020, the world faced a serious public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has significantly impacted human mobility and the daily lives of thousands of immigrants around the world. This article uses online and telephone interviews conducted with migrants who arrived in Brazil in 2016, to identify coping strategies employed during the pandemic. A transversal analysis of all interviews was conducted with the aid of the software Atlas.ti 9, using a systematic approach of iterative categorization. From a sociocultural perspective in psychology, the article introduces the initial impacts of the pandemic in different spheres of everyday life of these immigrants. With this everyday context, we present the strategies mobilized by immigrants to restore functional and relational continuities at a moment in which the ruptures caused by migration and the pandemic overlap. In particular, we identify how interviewees rapidly activated local and transnational social networks virtually, mobilizing skills learnt during migration.(AU)

En 2020, el mundo se enfrentó a un grave estado de emergencia en salud pública debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, que impactó significativamente la movilidad humana y la vida cotidiana de miles de inmigrantes en todo el mundo. Este artículo realizó entrevistas en línea y por teléfono con inmigrantes quienes llegaron a Brasil a partir de 2016, con el fin de identificar sus estrategias de afrontamiento adoptadas durante la pandemia. Se realizó un análisis transversal de las entrevistas con la ayuda del software Atlas.ti 9, utilizando la técnica sistemática de categorización iterativa. Desde una perspectiva sociocultural en Psicología, este artículo expone los impactos iniciales de la pandemia en diferentes ámbitos de la vida cotidiana de estos inmigrantes y presenta las estrategias movilizadas para restaurar las continuidades funcionales y relacionales en un momento en que se superponen las rupturas causadas por la migración y la pandemia. Entre otros aspectos, se puede identificar cómo los entrevistados activaron virtualmente las redes sociales locales y transnacionales movilizando habilidades y destrezas aprendidas durante la migración.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Adaptation, Psychological , Cultural Characteristics , Emigration and Immigration , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Aptitude , Politics , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Refugees , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Social Change , Social Desirability , Social Isolation , Social Mobility , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Social Work , Socioeconomic Factors , Unemployment , Viruses , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Brazil , Career Mobility , Economic Development , Quarantine , Communicable Disease Control , Family Characteristics , Adjustment Disorders , Hygiene , Mental Health , Disease Outbreaks , Mortality , Immunization , Population Growth , Universal Precautions , Clinical Competence , Workplace , Interview , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Disease Notification , Refugee Camps , Endemic Diseases , Credentialing , Crisis Intervention , Affective Symptoms , Culture , Terrorism , Capitalism , Internationality , Disasters , Economics , Employment , Environment and Public Health , Job Market , Ethics , Products Distribution , Cultural Competency , Resilience, Psychological , Fear , Economic Recession , Policy , Remuneration , Forecasting , Faith-Based Organizations , Expression of Concern , Right to seek Asylum , Respect , Psychological Distress , Transtheoretical Model , Physical Distancing , Food Insecurity , Social Vulnerability , Disaster Operations , Human Development , Human Rights , Income , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Learning , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Loneliness
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e262262, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529218


As restrições impostas pela pandemia de covid-19 levaram os serviços de saúde a reorganizarem seu funcionamento, ajustando-se à modalidade remota. A transição repentina e sem o devido preparo técnico impôs desafios adicionais para usuários e profissionais. Para aprimorar as estratégias assistenciais, torna-se imprescindível dar voz aos usuários dos serviços, para que narrem suas experiências e possam manifestar suas facilidades e dificuldades com essa passagem. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar como os principais cuidadores familiares de pessoas com transtornos alimentares vivenciaram a transição do grupo de apoio para o formato remoto e identificar vantagens e desvantagens percebidas nesse modelo. Estudo clínico-qualitativo, exploratório, realizado em um serviço de atendimento especializado de um hospital terciário. O cenário investigado foi o grupo de apoio psicológico aberto a familiares que, desde o início da pandemia de covid-19, passou a ser oferecido na modalidade online. Participaram do estudo cinco mães e três pais presentes em 13 sessões grupais consecutivas. Entrevistas individuais foram aplicadas com a Técnica do Incidente Crítico logo após o término de cada encontro grupal, totalizando 26 entrevistas audiogravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise temática. A transição para o online foi vivenciada pelos participantes como um recurso válido para permitir que o grupo funcionasse em tempos de grave crise sanitária. Como vantagens, foram mencionadas: a continuidade do cuidado, maior acessibilidade e facilidade em relação à logística da participação. Como limitações do formato online, foram destacadas: nem todos os familiares contam com conexão de internet de qualidade e possível dificuldade para manusear a tecnologia digital. Apesar dos desafios impostos pela súbita mudança para a modalidade online, na perspectiva dos usuários do serviço os esforços de adaptação foram bem-sucedidos, possibilitando a continuidade do cuidado à saúde mental.(AU)

The constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic led health services to reorganize their operation, adjusting to the online modality. The sudden and unprepared technical transition has imposed additional challenges for both users and professionals. To improve care strategies, it is essential to give voice to services users, so that they can narrate their experiences and express their facilities and difficulties with this transition. This study aims to investigate how main family caregivers of people with eating disorders experienced the transition of the support group to the remote modality and to identify perceived advantages and disadvantages in this model. This is a clinical-qualitative, exploratory study carried out in a specialized care service of a tertiary hospital. The investigated setting was the psychological support group open to family members, which since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has been offered online. Five mothers and three fathers who attended 13 consecutive group sessions participated in the study. Individual interviews were carried out with the Critical Incident Technique shortly after the end of each group meeting with all members, totaling 26 audio-recorded interviews. Data were subjected to thematic analysis. Transition was experienced as a valid resource to maintain the group active in times of a severe health crisis. As advantages of the remote modality were mentioned: continuity of care, greater accessibility, and ease in relation to the logistics of participation. As limitations of the online format were highlighted: not everyone has a good-quality connection to the internet, and difficulty in handling the digital technology. Despite the challenges imposed by the sudden shift to the online modality, from the service users' perspective the adaptation efforts were successful, enabling continuity of mental health care.(AU)

Las limitaciones que impuso la pandemia de la COVID-19 llevaron a los servicios sanitarios a reorganizar su funcionamiento adaptándose a la modalidad remota. El súbito cambio y sin la preparación técnica adecuada implicó retos adicionales a los usuarios y profesionales. Para mejorar las estrategias de atención es fundamental dar voz a los usuarios de los servicios, para que puedan narrar sus experiencias y expresar sus facilidades y dificultades con esta transición. Este estudio pretende investigar cómo han vivido los cuidadores de personas con trastornos alimentarios la transición del grupo de apoyo presencial al formato remoto e identificar las ventajas y desventajas percibidas en este modelo. Se trata de un estudio clínicocualitativo, exploratorio. El escenario investigado fue el grupo de apoyo psicológico abierto a los familiares en la modalidad en línea. Cinco madres y tres padres participaron en 13 sesiones de grupo consecutivas. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con la técnica de incidentes críticos inmediatamente después de cada reunión del grupo, con un total de 26 entrevistas grabadas en audio, transcritas y sometidas a análisis temático. La transición a la red fue experimentada como un recurso válido para permitir que el grupo funcione en tiempos de crisis sanitaria grave. Las ventajas de la modalidad remota fueron conexión segura en tiempos de confinamiento físico, continuidad, mayor accesibilidad y facilidad en relación con la logística de la participación. Las limitaciones del formato en línea fueron la falta de una conexión de calidad a Internet y la posible dificultad de manejo de la tecnología digital. A pesar de las dificultades impuestas por el cambio repentino a la modalidad en línea, desde la perspectiva de los usuarios del servicio los esfuerzos de adaptación fueron un éxito, lo que permitió seguir con la atención de salud mental.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Parents , Self-Help Groups , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Caregivers , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Patient Care Team , Patients , Psychology , Psychopathology , Quality of Life , Rejection, Psychology , Respiratory Tract Infections , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Social Isolation , Social Support , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Therapeutics , Thinness , Vomiting , Women , Behavior Therapy , Body Image , Body Weight , Food and Nutrition Education , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Mobility , Biological Factors , Anorexia , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bulimia , Anorexia Nervosa , Crowding , Efficacy , Adolescent , Employment, Supported , Suicide, Assisted , Interview , Compulsive Behavior , Privacy , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood , Counseling , Cultural Characteristics , Death , Depression , Diagnosis , Diet , Diuretics , Educational Status , Environment and Public Health , Renal Insufficiency , Bulimia Nervosa , Laxatives , Family Conflict , Fear , Feeding Behavior , Ideal Body Weight , Binge-Eating Disorder , Pandemics , Social Networking , Patient Care Bundles , Nutritionists , Clinical Study , Perfectionism , Psychosocial Support Systems , Food Addiction , Systematic Review , Sadness , Information Technology Management , Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Psychological Distress , Weight Prejudice , Teleworking , Physical Distancing , Psychotherapists , Orthorexia Nervosa , Social Structure , Sociodemographic Factors , Family Support , Guilt , Health Facility Moving , Learning , Mass Media , Mental Disorders , Neurotic Disorders , Obesity
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2110-2125, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433769


O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influência do isolamento social causado pela pandemia da COVID-19 em pacientes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), atendidos em um serviço especializado. Foi realizado um estudo transversal do tipo observacional e descritivo por meio da aplicação de um formulário de 51 perguntas. Participaram do estudo 45 responsáveis por crianças e adolescentes com TEA, acompanhados na Policlínica Naval de São Pedro da Aldeia (PNSPA), no período de julho a novembro de 2021. Foram abordados aspectos demográficos, sociais, clínicos e comportamentais dos pacientes e familiares. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (86,7%) com média de idade de 10,4 anos, sendo 57,8% TEA nível 1. Observou-se alterações comportamentais em 88,9% dos pacientes, sendo essas alterações consideradas como negativas por 57% dos responsáveis. Foi necessário o ajuste nas medicações em 51,1% dos pacientes que já usavam medicações no período, a maioria deles por causa de modificações no comportamento. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quando avaliamos as modificações comportamentais por sexo (p-valor 0,471), nível do TEA (p-valor 0,128), idade (p-valor 0,460), número de irmãos (p-valor 0,903), modificações medicamentosas (p-valor 0,280) e isolamento social (p-valor 0,553). Observou-se que a manutenção das terapias e a participação nas atividades escolares foi fator protetor quando analisamos as modificações de comportamento (RP para ambos = 0,86). Em conclusão, o estudo mostrou o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 em pacientes com TEA, pelo elevado percentual de mudanças comportamentais, especialmente aquelas consideradas negativas, independentemente de os pacientes terem permanecido ou não em isolamento social.

The aim of the study was to assess the influence of social distancing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), treated at a specialized unit. It was performed a cross-sectional observational and descriptive study with 45 guardians of children and adolescents with ASD, treated at an outpatient clinic, from July to November 2021. Guardians were asked to fill out a 51-question form that addressed demographic, social, clinical, and behavioral aspects of patients and family members. The results showed that the most patients are male (86.7%) with a mean age of 10.4 years; 57.8% had level 1 ASD. There were behavioral changes in 88.9% of patients; such changes were considered negative by 57% of the guardians. Medication adjustment was necessary for 51.1% of the patients who were already using medications in the period, most of them because of changes in behavior. There was no statistically significant difference when behavioral changes were evaluated by gender (p-value 0.471), ASD level (p-value 0.128), age (p-value 0.460), number of siblings (p-value 0.903), changes in medication (p-value 0.280) and social distancing (p-value 0.553). The continuation of therapies and participation in school activities was a protective factor when we analyzed changes in behavior (PR for both = 0.86). In conclusion, the research indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on ASD patients, which could be noticed by the high percentage of occurrence of behavioral changes, especially those considered negative, regardless of whether the patients practiced social distancing or not.

El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la influencia del distanciamiento social causado por la pandemia de COVID-19 en pacientes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), atendidos en una unidad especializada. Se realizó un estudio transversal observacional y descriptivo con 45 tutores de niños y adolescentes con TEA, atendidos en una consulta externa, de julio a noviembre de 2021. Se pidió a los tutores que rellenaran un formulario de 51 preguntas que abordaba aspectos demográficos, sociales, clínicos y conductuales de los pacientes y sus familiares. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los pacientes son varones (86,7%) con una edad media de 10,4 años; el 57,8% presentaba un TEA de nivel 1. Hubo cambios conductuales en el 88,9% de los pacientes; dichos cambios fueron considerados negativos por el 57% de los tutores. Fue necesario ajustar la medicación en el 51,1% de los pacientes que ya la utilizaban en ese periodo, la mayoría de ellos debido a cambios en el comportamiento. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se evaluaron los cambios de comportamiento en función del sexo (p-valor 0,471), el nivel de TEA (p-valor 0,128), la edad (p-valor 0,460), el número de hermanos (p-valor 0,903), los cambios de medicación (p-valor 0,280) y el distanciamiento social (p-valor 0,553). La continuación de las terapias y la participación en actividades escolares fue un factor protector cuando analizamos los cambios en el comportamiento (PR para ambos = 0,86). En conclusión, la investigación indica que la pandemia de COVID-19 tuvo un impacto en los pacientes con TEA, que pudo ser notado por el alto porcentaje de ocurrencia de cambios de comportamiento, especialmente los considerados negativos, independientemente de que los pacientes practicaran o no el distanciamiento social.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent Behavior , Pandemics , Autism Spectrum Disorder , COVID-19 , Sibling Relations , Social Isolation , Therapeutics , Adaptation, Psychological , Quarantine , Drug Interactions , Applied Behavior Analysis , Physical Distancing
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2685, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420265


RESUMO Objetivo analisar o impacto do distanciamento social devido à pandemia de COVID-19, sob a percepção e o incômodo com o zumbido crônico e a relação dos achados com a ansiedade e a depressão. Métodos a amostra foi composta por conveniência, incluindo sujeitos com idades de 21 a 78 anos. A avaliação foi realizada em dois períodos: pré-distanciamento (final de 2019) e durante o distanciamento (2020). A segunda avaliação foi realizada de forma online, via Google Forms, consistindo nos seguintes procedimentos: questionário semiestruturado, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (BAI) e Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Resultados nas comparações dos procedimentos entre os períodos pré e pós-distanciamento social, foi evidenciada diferença estatisticamente significativa para o THI e o BAI, mas não para o BDI. Na correlação da percepção do zumbido crônico com a ansiedade, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa, positiva e forte, mas não significativa com a depressão. Conclusão o distanciamento social devido à pandemia de COVID-19 piorou a percepção e o incômodo com o zumbido crônico, estando correlacionado com aumento nos sintomas de ansiedade.

ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze the impact of social distancing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on the perception and nuisance with chronic tinnitus and the relationship of the findings with anxiety and depression. Methods The sample was composed by convenience, including subjects aged 21 to 78 years. The evaluation was conducted in two periods: pre-distancing (late 2019) and during distancing (2020). The second evaluation was conducted online via Google Forms, consisting of the following procedures: Semistructured questionnaire, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results In the comparison of the results of the procedures performed pre-social distancing and during social-distancing, a statistically significant difference was evidenced for the THI and the BAI, but not for the BDI. In the correlation of the perception of chronic tinnitus with anxiety, a statistically significant difference was observed, positive and strong, but not significant with depression. Conclusion Social distancing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, worsened the perception of and annoyance with chronic tinnitus and was correlated with an increase in anxiety symptoms.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Anxiety , Perception , Tinnitus , Sickness Impact Profile , Depression , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Social Isolation , Brazil/epidemiology
Rev. baiana enferm ; 37: e52976, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1529688


Objetivo: conhecer os sentimentos vivenciados por pessoas idosas diante do distanciamento social na pandemia da Covid-19. Método: estudo qualitativo que adotou como referencial a Teoria das Representações Sociais pelo método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Participaram do estudo 29 pessoas idosas e a seleção foi do tipo intencional ou teórico, utilizando a técnica de snowball (bola de neve). Os dados foram coletados entre outubro e dezembro de 2020, por meio de um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, familiar e de saúde e uma questão aberta norteadora do estudo. Os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos e analisados. Resultados: as pessoas idosas relataram vivenciar os sentimentos de preocupação, medo, naturalidade, conforto, com maior predomínio dos sentimentos de desconforto, tristeza, solidão e segurança. Considerações finais: sentimentos positivos e negativos foram vivenciados pelas pessoas idosas durante o período de distanciamento social pela pandemia da Covid-19.

Objetivo: conocer los sentimientos vividos por personas ancianas ante el distanciamiento social en la pandemia de Covid-19. Método: estudio cualitativo que adoptó como referencial la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales por el método del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Participaron del estudio 29 personas mayores y la selección fue del tipo intencional o teórico, utilizando la técnica de snowball (bola de nieve). Los datos fueron recogidos entre octubre y diciembre de 2020, por medio de un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica, familiar y de salud y una cuestión abierta orientadora del estudio. Las declaraciones fueron grabadas, transcritas y analizadas. Resultados: las personas mayores relataron vivenciar los sentimientos de preocupación, miedo, naturalidad, confort, con mayor predominio de los sentimientos de incomodidad, tristeza, soledad y seguridad. Consideraciones finales: sentimientos positivos y negativos fueron vividos por las personas mayores durante el período de distanciamiento social por la pandemia de Covid-19.

Objective: to know the feelings experienced by elderly people in the face of social distancing in the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: qualitative study that adopted as reference the Theory of Social Representations by the method of Collective Subject Discourse. 29 elderly people participated in the study and the selection was intentional or theoretical, using the snowball technique. Data were collected between October and December 2020, through a questionnaire of sociodemographic, family and health characterization and an open question guiding the study. The statements were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. Results: the elderly reported experiencing feelings of worry, fear, naturalness, comfort, with a greater predominance of feelings of discomfort, sadness, loneliness and security. Final considerations: positive and negative feelings were experienced by the elderly during the period of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Health of the Elderly , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control , Sentiment Analysis , Qualitative Research
Bull. W.H.O. (Online) ; 101(2): 111-120, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1414505


Objective: To study the link between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination status and adherence to public health and social measures in Members of the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Algeria. Methods: We analysed two rounds of a large, cross-country, repeated cross-sectional mobile phone survey in June­July 2021 and October­November 2021. The rounds included 14 287 and 14 131 respondents, respectively, from 23 countries and territories. Questions covered knowledge, attitudes and practices around COVID-19, and demographic, employment, health and vaccination status. We used logit modelling to analyse the link between self-reported vaccination status and individuals' practice of mask wearing, physical distancing and handwashing. We used propensity score matching as a robustness check. Findings: Overall, vaccinated respondents (8766 respondents in round 2) were significantly more likely to adhere to preventive measures than those who were unvaccinated (5297 respondents in round 2). Odds ratios were 1.5 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.3­1.8) for mask wearing; 1.5 (95% CI: 1.3­1.7) for physical distancing; and 1.2 (95% CI: 1.0­1.4) for handwashing. Similar results were found on analysing subsamples of low- and middle-income countries. However, in high-income countries, where vaccination coverage is high, there was no significant link between vaccination and preventive practices. The association between vaccination status and adherence to public health advice was sustained over time, even though self-reported vaccination coverage tripled over 5 months (19.4% to 62.3%; weighted percentages). Conclusion Individuals vaccinated against COVID-19 maintained their adherence to preventive health measures. Nevertheless, reinforcement of public health messages is important for the public's continued compliance with preventive measures.

Therapeutics , Hand Disinfection , Public Health , Patient Compliance , Physical Distancing , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Cross-Sectional Studies , Immunization , Algeria , Facial Masks
Pan Afr. med. j ; 45(NA): NA-NA, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1433880


Introduction: Community Health Workers (CHW) are a critical resource for outbreak preparedness and response. However, CHWs´ ability to respond to outbreaks depends on their accurate knowledge of the disease and proper adoption of disease prevention practices. We explored knowledge and practices related to outbreaks in general, and COVID-19 among CHWs in Rwanda. Methods: this cross-sectional multimethod study used stratified simple random sampling to recruit three cadres of CHWs (agents de santé maternelle, female Binomes, and male Binomes ) from three rural Rwandan districts. We used telephone-based data collection to administer quantitative surveys (N=292) and qualitative interviews (N=24) in September 2020. We calculated descriptive statistics and conducted thematic analysis of qualitative data. We assessed for associations between general outbreak-related knowledge and receipt of training using Chi-square tests and between COVID-19 related knowledge and CHW characteristics and adoption of prevention methods using linear regression models. Results: only 56.2% of CHWs had received training on any health topic in 12 months prior to COVID-19 pandemic and only 19.2% had specifically received training on outbreak preparedness. Almost all CHWs reported preventing COVID-19 by wearing facemasks (98%), washing hands (95%), and social distancing in crowds (89%) with fewer reporting staying at home (50%), sneezing or coughing into an elbow (38%) or using hand sanitizer (18%). Almost all CHWs in our study knew that COVID-19 transmit through respiratory droplets (98%) and by infected surfaces (98%) and that asymptomatic spread is possible (91%). However, fewer than half of community health workers correctly affirmed that children were at low risk of becoming severely ill (48%) and only 32% correctly rejected the misconception that everyone with COVID-19 would become severely ill. There was no association between COVID-19-related knowledge and adoption of COVID-19 preventative practices. Qualitative findings suggested that while CHWs possessed lots of correct information about COVID-19 and reported good adherence to COVID-19 prevention practices, they also commonly held misconceptions that over-exaggerated the dangers of COVID-19. Conclusion: gaps in knowledge, training, and access to information point to a need for additional investment in supervision and credible informational systems to support CHWs.

Linear Models , Community Health Workers , Knowledge , Hand Sanitizers , Physical Distancing , COVID-19 , Disease Outbreaks
Research Journal of Health Sciences ; 11(1): 27-39, 2023. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1436963


This is a cross-sectional survey of challenges inhibiting health care service provision during COVID 19 lockdown. Data collected with a pretested online self-administered questionnaire included age, gender, occupation, place of practice, physical distance practices, utilization of telemedicine, income and other concerns that may have inhibited their practices during the COVID 19 lockdown. Data were analyzed using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Chi square goodness of fit test was used to analyze the association between means and qualitative variables. Results: Response rate from 599 questionnaires was 481 (78%) with physiotherapists (n=108, 23%); nurses (n=106, 22%); doctors (n=86, 18%); laboratory technicians (n=87, 18%) and pharmacists (n=94, 19%); in public sector (n=318, 66%) and private practitioners (n=163, 34%). During the "lockdown" patients interacting with health professionals in private practice decreased except increases for laboratory technicians (11.91%) and pharmacists (68.35%). Social distancing was feasible by pharmacists and laboratory technicians, but interactions by nurses, physiotherapists and doctors were compromised. Telemedicine was used mostly by doctors (n=42, 48.8%), and physiotherapists (n=50, 46.3%). Health professionals experienced mental stress 428 (89%); anxiety 176 (37%); feared infection 333 (69%) and 232 (48%) of transmitting to their families; 307 (64 %) had challenges with personal protective equipment. Suggestions were: alternate accommodation or longer shifts with less working days 111 (37%); a hazard allowance 244 (51%) and counseling 238 (49%). Conclusion: Private practitioners reported a loss of income with all health professionals indicating the "lockdown" and COVID-19 compromised health delivery, health services, and individuals' health. Health professionals suggested a hazard allowance, alternate accommodation, and dedicated counseling for health professionals during the pandemic.

Humans , Quarantine , Telemedicine , Delivery of Health Care , COVID-19 , Allied Health Personnel , Physical Distancing
J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 14(12): 1-6, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1530876


As soon as the COVID 19 , the Moroccan education ministry decided to adopt distance learning (DL). Our target was to study the psychological impact of DL on Moroccan teachers during the pandemic. This cross-sectional study used an online questionnaire based on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Among %, and the average age was 41.1±11.5 years. 79.1% participated in DL, 58.8% were required to acquire DL tools and 71.6% had never received DL training. Between the start and the end of confinement, we noticed a decrease in the motivation of teachers.36.2% had definite depressive symptomatology and 41.3% had certain anxiety symptomatology with a significant predominance in women. The frequencies of depression and anxiety were higher in those who had participated in DL, but the association was not significant. Depression was significantly frequent among teachers who were obliged to acquire tools to practice DL P=0.02, those who had never received training DL P=0.046, and those who were not satisfied with the situation P=0.03. We didn't find a direct association between DL and anxiety and depression, which the small sample size may explain, but we did find an association with the variables related to DL

Cross-Sectional Studies , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Preventive Health Services , Pandemics , Physical Distancing